We offer a variety of arts management services, including strategic planning, evaluation, training and education.
Click on the links below to learn more about these services.
Regional, state, and local arts agencies, arts service organizations, and foundations are all recognizing the importance of providing arts management training and conferences for their constituents as a way to build leadership skills, expand capacity, and ensure greater accountability. Maren Brown Associates designs and leads customized, interactive training programs that meet the needs of your constituents, offered either as stand-alone programs or as part of a larger conference or convening.
Through these trainings, current and future arts practitioners, board members, community leaders, arts advocates, and artists learn about the principles of arts management, the effective use of business skills, and the best practices for using the arts and culture as a tool for revitalizing communities.
Maren Brown Associates also has extensive experience in developing and teaching arts management curriculum in a variety of settings, including through special program initiatives and in colleges and universities.
El Paso Museums and Cultural Affairs Department, New Hampshire State Council on the Arts, Americans for the Arts/Arts Extension Service, Vermont Arts Council, Arkansas Arts Council, University of Massachusetts Amherst, California Arts Council, Wisconsin Arts Board, United Arts of Raleigh (North Carolina)